Terms and Conditions
Contained in this document are the general terms and conditions for Ranges Alarms, which cover all products and services supplied by us including (but not limited to): Installations, Alarm Monitoring, Servicing, and any parts or labour supplied. By accepting a quotation (written or verbal) from Ranges Alarms you hereby agree to our terms and conditions as set out in this document.
Any changes made to these terms and conditions can only be done so by or with written authorisation from the owner of Ranges Alarms.
Version Number – 04
Date updated – 20/02/2023
- All quotes are valid for a period of 30 days from date submitted, after which we reserve the right to alter the quotation.
- Where quotations are based on details provided by the Customer, such quotations are subject to the accuracy of the information provided by the customer. Price may increase / decrease if details provided are incorrect.
- All quotations are based on the work being undertaken between the Hours of 8.00am & 4:00pm Monday to Friday, all work conducted out of those hours can only be done if agreed upon in writing by Ranges Alarms.
- If a quotation is required out of hours (Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm) then a service charge may occur.
- Free quotations are only valid for over the phone or through email, charges may occur if a site visit is required.
- If equipment requires service or installation which is above 2m in height an Elevated work platform will be required at the cost to the client. If requested Ranges Alarms can organise the hire of a EWP at the clients expense.
- Ranges Alarms reserves the right to change equipment locations by up to one metre if interference is caused by existing or new construction constraints or by interference caused by existing or new electrical devices.
- We will take reasonable care to protect the customers premises from damage during installation, however, this is not always possible due to (but not limited to) defects in building materials such as plaster, brick, tiles, concrete etc. If cabling is required to go through building materials, it is up to the customer to restore the damage caused.
- Ranges Alarms takes no responsibility for any costs associated for restoring any buildings to their original conditions, which includes (but not limited to) painting or patching.
Servicing/Remote Programming:
- For service work please email service@rangesalarms.com.au and include your name, site address, panel details and issue.
- Service work will be scheduled in at the next available time within business hours (Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm)
- All remote programming changes including but not limited to adding or removing codes/users/fobs, changing times, description changes, firmware or software upgrades, isolating, bypassing or removing zones and firmware upgrades will have a service fee. The cost of this service fee will depend on the time the changes take and also if any software is required. Please contact us for a quote before requesting any remote programming changes.
Clients Responsibilities
To ensure that all cables run by Ranges Alarms are left visible during the build process, including not being covered by plasterer, tiler, builder or any other tradesperson.
- If cables have been covered up an additional fee will be added to the final invoice for time spent relocating cables.
- To provide an accurate plan of the building, including exact and detailed location of Security devices. This includes providing Ranges Alarms with any updates made to plans throughout a build.
- To provide at least 10 days notice for any work requiring a specific time frame.
- All trenching is the clients responsibilities.
- To confirm the location of security cameras, security control panel, detectors, keypads, sirens and intercoms. (Re-position changes after installation are chargeable)
- Any damage to wiring or Security Devices after installation is the responsibility of the clients. An additional charge will incur if Ranges Alarms is required to repair or replace any damaged equipment.
- All material cutting (e.g.. Tiles, Bricks, Timber) is the clients responsibility unless pre-arranged with Ranges Alarms.
- To ensure that a 240v Power point and a telephone socket (if required) is placed no further than 1m away from the Alarm Panel / CCTV system’s location.
- To have all electronic door locking devices (Magnetic or Strike) installed prior to Access Control system installation.
- To ensure that prior to installation all furniture and other obstacles are removed from the working environment. If a site is deemed to be too dangerous to work, the installation will be postponed and an additional service fee of $125.00 (Inc GST) will be charged.
- To ensure that all worksites are available and open at the agreed time, if a delay occurs due to reasoning beyond the control of Ranges Alarms an additional fee will be charged.
- Where quotations are based on details provided by the Customer, such quotations are subject to the accuracy of the information provided by the customer. Price may increase / decrease if details provided are incorrect.
- Any variations required must be signed off in writing by both the client and the technician before work commences.
Payment & Progress Claims:
- All prices are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
- Payment is to be made within 7 days from date of invoice.
- Ranges Alarms reserves the right to make Progress claims for work valued at $5,000 or above.
- Ranges Alarms reserves the right to request a deposit for jobs over the value of $2000.
- All Products & equipment including but not limited to devices remain the property of Ranges Alarms until invoices are paid for in full. If invoices are not paid for in full, If invoices are not paid for in full, we reserve the right to claim from the customer the full cost of labour for both installation and extraction of the system(s).
- Ranges Alarms may retake possession of the Goods if an Event of Default by the Customer occurs and may, for that purpose, enter any premises occupied by the Customer where those Goods are held and remove those Goods.
- Overdue accounts will be charged an additional fee of 5.00% of the total cost left owning per month.
- The title of good which have been sold / installed by Ranges Alarms remains the property of Ranges Alarms until all monies owning to Ranges Alarms has been paid in full.
- All invoices paid by credit card will incur an additional 2% merchant fee.
- All equipment is subject to manufacturers warranty.
- All Warranty claims must be made to Ranges Alarms in writing before the end of the warranty period (usually 2 years)
- Cable, batteries, fixing, fittings or second hand gear come with a 3 month warranty (from date of installation) only unless otherwise stated in writing by Ranges Alarms.
- Warranty for equipment will only cover the cost of the equipment, any additional costs such as labour will be incurred by the client.
- Issues relating to internet and network problems will not be covered under warranty including speed, data, connectivity and operation.
- Smartphone applications are not provided by Ranges Alarms, nor can we be held responsible or liable for any issues which may arise due to downloading or using smartphone applications.
- Equipment which has been used for anything other than it’s intended purpose will not be covered under warranty.
- Equipment which has been altered by anyone other than Ranges Alarms will not be covered under warranty, unless written consent has been provided by Ranges Alarms.
- For Warranty Claims please email warranty@rangesalarms.com.au with photos and a description of the issue.